Other Medical Practice No Fault

The Morris Law Firm can help just about any other medical specialty including:
MRI Facilities
Spinal Decompression
Physical Therapy
Navigating the paperwork, forms and all manner of hassles involved in a New York State No-Fault claim can be a dizzying experience. Adding to the aggravation can be the fear about getting medical bills paid, and ensuring access to New York State No Fault Lost Wage Benefits.
The Morris Law Firm has had extensive experience in assisting injured people with getting their claims paid, making sure that they can continue to receive treatment and also access their Lost Wage Benefits.
We can also work with your personal injury attorney to make sure that all of your needs are met, and all of your interests are protected.
Chiropractic treatment has had a history of struggling to gain acceptance in the broader medical community. Much of that resistance is still felt in the denial of Chiropractic treatment by New York State No-Fault insurance companies.
Having an attorney that understands the benefits of chiropractic treatment, and all of its associated modalities, can often mean the difference between getting reimbursed for treating a No-Fault patient, and having to go without any reimbursement at all.
The Morris Law Firm can help chiropractic offices of all sizes to be sure they are complying with the applicable regulations, billing properly as well as maximizing their receivables and reducing inter-office congestion over denied no fault bills.
Contact us at your convenience and we can arrange to meet with you at your office to discuss the best possible options for billing procedures, regulation compliance, and eventually getting paid on denied New York State No Fault bills.
Managing the myriad of concerns that hospitals have today can be an unruly burden. Adding to the trouble is the onslaught of denials from New York State No Fault carriers for any number of reasons, from billing on one of various forms, to addressing the carriers requests for further information.
Knowing how the billing process and the response to requests can impact the hospitals bottom line can mean the difference between No-Fault billing being a cost or a benefit to the overall operations of the hospital.
Each hospital is structured differently, and each addresses their interaction with No-Fault carriers differently. Understanding that any solution to the problem of denials must fit into the existing administrative structure of the facility guides The Morris Law Firm to tailor its representation and reporting to the needs of its hospital clients.
Feel free to contact The Morris Law Firm to arrange a consultation to discuss what, if any, modifications to your current procedures we might recommend, and how to add The Morris Law Firm to your available resources when addressing billing.
MRI Facilities
MRIs are increasingly being used and accepted as a standard part of any injured persons course of care. Unfortunately that acceptance has not been shared by the New York State No Fault carriers who routinely deny payment for MRI bills.
Understanding that diagnostic facilities are not treating doctors, and are subject to strict constraints regarding performing the test that is prescribed, as it is prescribed, and when it is prescribed means that The Morris Law Firm can approach our representation from a position of increasing No-Fault revenue from intake to billing through denial and eventual recovery at arbitration or litigation.
Contact The Morris Law Firm today to discuss the many ways we can assist your office in improving recovery of denied New York State No Fault claims.
Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression through computer controlled and targeted intervention can bring patients off of the operating table and put them back to work. However, many insurance carriers still consider the treatment to be experimental or only reimburse it at rates that fail to cover the cost of operating the machines.
The Morris Law Firm can work with your office to ensure that billing is done correctly and in accordance with the Workers Compensation Fee Schedule requirements. This can help to reduce denials and make the cases we eventually file on your behalf far more beneficial.
Nerve testing has become a standard of care and reliable method of determining precise nerve and nerve root involvement in patient complaints. Unfortunately, there are still insurance companies that believe that the benefits of nerve testing should be limited to only a very few patients.
Knowing that surgical referrals may hinge on determining whether or not nerve testing results show positive involvement, and that the outcome of the tests may determine future conservative care helps the Morris Law Firm take up the denied payments for these treatments and prove in court or arbitration that these services are necessary.
Physical Therapy
Many patients require extensive physical therapy treatment before and after surgeries and to manage pain and increase their ability to perform their activities of daily living.
A deep understanding of the value the physical therapy brings to patients and the place it holds in the range of conservative options for doctors underlies our representation of practitioners and their offices.