No Fault for Durable Medical Equipment

Giving injured patients the ability to heal, and still move about their daily life is a critical service and necessary component of the patient returning to work and their full potential. Whether it is after a surgery or during the course of conservative care, bracing and other DME can be what helps a patient continue to be able to care for themselves as well as what helps them heal. Knowing that these items are so important helps guide The Morris Law Firm in how we advise our clients and handle their cases.
Understanding the differences that make each product important.
Broad Knowledge Base – helping so many DME offices, we’ve seen it all
Lifelong Clients – most of our clients have been with only us for years
Process Overview – documentation to billing to recovery, we can help with every step
We Understand Your Challenges
Providers of braces, and other durable medical equipment face a particular challenge when billing No-Fault insurance for their goods. Usually these types of providers have limited access to medical records. They sometimes get only a prescription from the prescribing doctor. That leaves them at a real disadvantage when confronting an insurance carrier that has received records from every facility and provider.
You Deserve Fair Reimbursement
The Morris Law Firm has helped these types of providers generate their own relevant records to help them get fairly reimbursed. When appropriate, we can also reach out to other providers in order to help accurately prove the medical condition of the patient. Just like every other no-fault matter we handle; we also obtain rebuttals to the insurance carrier’s position on every case that gets a hearing. All of this is done at no cost to our DME clients.
We Can Help Decrease Your Denial Rate
Understanding the steps an office can take to reduce denials, from prescription, to supply, to billing and even after the denial has occurred has already helped many Morris Law Firm clients decrease their denial rate, and improve their recovery on those cases that do get denied.
Understanding what insurance carriers need to know in order to make an accurate reimbursement decision, and knowing that many cases will reach a judge or arbitrator, is what guides the advice we provide and the arguments we use to help our DME clients get appropriately reimbursed.