DME Fee Schedule Changes to Impact No-Fault?

The most recent changes to the Workers Compensation Fee Schedule that went into effect for No-Fault services in October of 2020 were far reaching and deeply impactful.

Some providers saw a dramatic change in the price for their services.

Now, the Workers Compensation Board is looking to alter their fee schedule for durable medical equipment.

See here:

Of course, the inevitable question about when or how this impacts No-Fault providers will come around, but there is one other looming issue I see in the proposed language.

The Comp Board will add a requirement to the fee schedule that all suppliers of DME be a New York State Medicaid Enrolled Supplier.

Of course, if this requirement is written into the fee schedule, which no-fault shares, there is a clear probability of it carrying over into the no-fault insurance space.

When the Comp Board made their previous changes to the fee schedule, they explicitly stated that any impact to the No-Fault insurance system was not their concern.

Assuming the fee schedule changes that are proposed get implemented, there may be an open question about whether or not DME providers in No-Fault are now required to be New York State Medicaid Enrolled. If you have questions about this possibility or how best to prepare for what might be coming, please feel free to reach out to me directly for a more detailed assessment.