Medical records are what drive outcomes in New York No-Fault arbitrations. The Morris Law Firm has a broad range of clients that we represent for exactly those arbitrations. Individual patients often ...
American Transit Insurance is Nearing Insolvency
As you can read here from Bloomberg Here from the NY Times:
NY Workers Comp Board to change DME Fee Schedule
The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board announced in October of last year that they would be making changes to their fee schedule for Durable Medical Equipment. According to the bulletin,...
We’ve Moved!
We are no longer located at 375 Linwood Avenue We are now located in our own building at 447 Amherst Street Buffalo, NY 14207...
But what can The Morris Law Firm do?
I am often asked this very open ended question, and a full answer is too lengthy to fit into casual conversation. That being said, I thought I would put down my thoughts on what we can do for our clie...
American Arbitration Association Data Purge
Ever time I hear about a data purge, from anywhere, I get nervous. It inherently feels like losing something, even if it is something I never used, and might not even be sure what it is I am losing. T...
Workers’ Compensation Treatment Guidelines Impacting No-Fault?
Well, here is the age-old question again. Do the Workers’ Compensation Treatment Guidelines apply to No-Fault patients? Strictly speaking, the answer is no. That is because there is no specific law,...
NY DFS issues Emergency Guidance on DME Fee Schedule
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) which is responsible for regulating the New York No-Fault regulatory system and arbitration process has issued an emergency amendment to Regul...
Verification Requests & EUOs – Powers and Limitations
A recent case published in the New York Law Journal neatly manages to get close to being on both sides of one issue. The issue is the legitimacy of a no-fault insurance carrier’s request for documen...
Unifying the Arbitrator Pool means changes for NY No-Fault Providers
In March of this year AAA sent out a notice to no-fault arbitration program participants. AAA was informing us that arbitrators would be assigned statewide, effective for hearings starting in June of ...
DME Fee Schedule Changes to Impact No-Fault?
The most recent changes to the Workers Compensation Fee Schedule that went into effect for No-Fault services in October of 2020 were far reaching and deeply impactful. Some providers saw a dramatic ch...
Doctor Billed Patient Despite Having an AOB
Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. The Appellate Division of the Second Department has an important decision for anyone involved with NY No-Fault billing, arbitration, litigation or coll...
3 Reasons Your Accident Claim May be Denied
After suffering the pain and inconvenience of a car accident, there’s nothing more frustrating than your insurance claim being denied. You may think you’ve done everything right, but chances are t...
Fee Schedule reductions for treatment rendered elsewhere on the same day
Many facilities that regularly deal with NY No-Fault Insurance are experiencing a serious increase in a certain type of denial. Denials or reductions due to the patient treating elsewhere on the same ...
See a Doctor After an Accident Even if You Feel Fine
After a car accident, you’re likely to experience a whirlwind of emotions from distress to fear to frustration. Amidst these feelings, it’s important to prioritize seeking medical evaluation from ...
Things are grinding to a halt around our city, state and country. And in order to keep the most vulnerable among us safe from infection, they must. This update is to let everyone know that we are cont...
New Worker’s Compensation Fee Schedule Additions
We try to stay up to date here, but the New York State Worker’s Compensation Board is at it again. This time we are receiving two new sections of codes, each with their own ground rules and guid...
Get Out of Your No-Fault Arbitration Contract
And don’t get back into one. Ever. The Morris Law Firm does not require any contract with our no-fault arbitration clients. We do not penalize our clients for choosing to try another attorney, and w...
No Pre-Payment
Starting today, the Morris Law Firm will no longer require prepayment of any kind, on any denied no-fault case. We will simply remove our $40.00 legal fee from the payment we obtain for our clients on...
Zero Day Delay
Disagree, Deny, Defend. These are insurance carrier’s behaviors that impact our clients negatively. These are the problems we are asked to fix. A lot of my clients are appalled at the carrier’s di...
Some Fee Schedule changes delayed until 2020, some kicking in sooner…
For those of you keeping track, the New York State Workers’ Compensation Board has issued a new fee schedule. It can be purchased from the official publisher here:
New Public Comment Period for Proposed Workers Compensation Fee Schedule began on October 3, 2018
Working extensively with New York State medical facilities of all shapes and sizes, we work with the Workers Compensation Fee Schedule on a regular basis. Keeping up to date on potential changes is a ...
Twenty-Five Million and One Reasons
Starting in 2008, and working through this year, this practice has officially brought Twenty-Five Million dollars to our clients. We crossed that line in late Q2 of this year (2018), and I don’t min...
More than just getting bills paid…
This is our first official Morris Law Firm blog post, and I wanted it to be about something that we pride ourselves on. Not only did we get our clients bill paid, but in fact we went further. In this ...